Plain and Happy Living $13 | by Emma Byler
features Amish country ways of cooking, growing food, healing, and general lore.
Testing Your Outdoor Survival Skills $15 This 81/2 x 11 workbook contains tests, charts, and other data from Nyerges' classroom sessions in survival skills over the past 20 years. Topics include fire, water, wild food, orienteering, shelter, first aid, and much more. An excellent workbook for scout leaders, teachers, and anyone who wants to learn. 102 pages, illustrated.
by Christopher Nyerges |
Guide to Wild Foods $15
This is a fully-revised 4th edition of Guide to Wild Foods. Many new photos, all new illustrations, many original references, 288 pages. Though originally written for southern California, this reference book is useful throughout most of the Christopher Nyerges
Enter the Forest $10 by Christopher Nyerges
This latest book covers survival skills, animal signs, ecology, primitive fire-making, weather, finding and purifying water, native American foods. An anecdotal, illustrated walk through the Angeles Forest, called a "future-classic" by John Robinson |
Dandelion Celebration $13 by Peter Gail This former co-teacher with Euell Gibbons has written an excellent book on the dandelion. If you've been pulling up dandelions, and weren't aware that this is truly the poor man's ginseng, then this is the book for you. Fully illustrated.
Handguns and Self Defense $15 by Dalton and Fowler Fully illustrated, this book covers basic firearms safety, and how to survive a combat situation.
Life Without Fear |
Solar Cookers $7
How to Make, use, and Understand, 8th edition. This book tells us how to make inexpensive solar cookers from cardboard and aluminum foil, and how to get the most efficient use of our solar cookers. 44 pages. by Solar Cookers International |
Urban Wilderness by Christopher Nyerges
The original book entitled Urban Wilderness has been out of print for several years. This revision focuses on simple, low-cost ways to "do more with less," even in the city. Includes food storage, water storage, power sources, communication, hygiene, community and safety issues, emergency preparedness, etc.
A handbook for ecological city living. |
Survival Skills of Native California by Paul Campbelll
$44.50This large book is the ultimate reference for anyone interested in the specific skills used daily by California's American Indian population in the pre-mission days. Included is how to make rope, nets, sandals, arrows, bows, quiver, arrowheads, and lots of plant-usage information (including soap-plants), hunting skills, etc. Illustrated.
Edible and Medicinal Plants of the West by Gregory Tilford $24.00
Simple text and clear photos, this is an excellent book -- and many of the plants are actually found nation-wide. 239 pages. |
Botany in a Day by Tom Elpel
Here is a large book with a straightforward way to teach botanical families, and some chemistry of plants. 81/2 x 11, 196 pages.
Otis is slightly more interested in the botanical offering in his food bowl |
Be Expert With
Map and Compass by Bjorn Kjellstrom
The classic book on learning orienteering, map reading, etc. |